Wednesday, January 30, 2013

JAX-WS tools and the Java Compiler API

As of today, Apache CXF is well integrated into JBoss AS 7 and working properly through the JBossWS layer. The application server satisfies the JavaEE 6 requirements (of course including the WS related ones) and most of the Apache CXF specific funtionalities are continuously tested by the JBossWS own testsuite and covered in the application server webservices documentation .

While we do have plans for future new features and contributions, even directly on Apache CXF, we still have very few action items to work on in the pure JBoss AS integration area. Last week I dealt with one of them, which turned out to be quite interesting from a technical point of view, so I thought it's worth to share it here.

It is well known that JBoss AS 7 is built on top of the modules' concept and comes with a fully modular classloader defined by module dependencies and really allowing controlling which classes to load, etc. As part of the move to the new classloading mechanism, we created modules for most of the Java EE apis that we include in the application server, JAX-WS api being one of them. Our own JAX-WS api module comes with a slightly modified version of the vanilla jaxws 2.2 apis, which resolves the into the corresponding JBossWS implementation (defaults to it, unless different configuration is specified using the Service API mechanism). The jaxws api module is then used to define the classloader for any application in the application server, so that whenever JAXWS is required its classes are used and the JBossWS (Apache CXF based) implementation is automatically used under the hood. Besides for the fact that we're easily enforcing usage of our JAX-WS impl this way, the real benefit of such an approach is that we always control the JAX-WS api level (currently 2.2) in use.

As a matter of fact, a mismatch in JAXWS api version is usually a common source of major final user headaches; the reason for that is basically in JDK 6 (well, actually starting from update 4) coming with JAXWS 2.1 api included. Unless the bootclasspath is properly modified by setting the java.endorsed.dirs env to a directory containing the  jaxws 2.2 api jar when starting the virtual machine, 2.1 api classes from the JDK will always be used by default whenever making use of JAX-WS apis. Users will eventually forget about that, make mistakes in setting that, get confused with tools / IDE configuration of that, etc... and not understand what's really happening and why they're getting bunch of errors.

JBoss AS 7 relies on JBoss Modules for modular classloading and does not require any java.endorsed.dirs setup when booting the AS. So far so good :-)
JBossWS (as well as Apache CXF) however provides JAX-WS tools for wsdl-to-java and java-to-wsdl generation; each of them comes with and scripts to execute on command line. The tools internally rely on Apache CXF corresponding tools, which generate code and compile it. In order for having CXF compile jaxws 2.2 compliant code, we used to need setting the java.endorsed.dirs env in the wsconsume and wsprovide scripts, failing that the code couldn't simply be compiled, because CXF runs javac which would of course get the JAXWS api directly from the JDK.

So, a jira has been created for fixing this, as we do not want to set the java.endorsed.dirs anymore, even for ws tools. How to solve this then?
Fortunately, Apache CXF tools recently moved to direct usage of Java Compiler API to compile sources, instead of forking a process for running javac (forking is still possible, yet not the default behaviour). Starting from JDK 6, the Java Compiler API (JSR-199) offers a powerfull (yet quite complicated) way of creating a compilation task and supplying source files to it for being compiled. Below is an excerpt of the CXF code making use of JSR-199:

The interface allows for controlling loading of any class involved in the compilation task; it's possible to define and install a custom ForwardingJavaFileManager to override the methods that actually fetch and provide the bytecode for any class.

So, what we ended up in doing here was to define an extension of  ForwardingJavaFileManager that would intercept requests for the JAXWS (and JAXB...) api classes, load the corresponding ones from our JBoss Module classloader, read their bytecode and create proper JavaFileObject instances to return to the JDK compiler. It took a while to write a decent JavaFileManager implementation (also considering I didn't want any JBoss Module specific code in it in JBossWS), but it finally worked and allowed compiling jaxws 2.2 code with JDK6 and no endorsing configuration.

Then, the usual JBossWS open source integration process started, as I had to figure out how to extend Apache CXF in a general way so that I could made my JavaFileManager available deep into the CXF tools code. Once again, the Apache CXF community proved to be really open to extensions and contributions even for really specific stuff like this and the Apache CXF project lead even figured out possible different scenarios that would benefit from my extension. So a CXF jira was created, we discussed design a bit on IRC and I committed my changes on Apache CXF and JBossWS.

A new Apache CXF release is coming out very soon and hopefully by the end of next week I'll be able to include it in JBoss AS upstream and fix the wsconsume/wsprovide command line scripts, cool!

This is what integration really means to me :-)

JBossWS 5.4.0.FInal is released !

I am pleased to annouce JBossWS 5.4.0 Final is out. In this release we upgraded many components as usual and brings Elytron client configur...