JBoss AS 6.0.0.Final has been released few days ago. It passes the JavaEE 6 Web Profile certification testsuite and that's probably one the most notable achievements of this release. You should really read Dimitris blog on this topic, which gives a wide view of what's new with AS 6, especially if compared to the previous final version, JBoss AS 5.1.
An interesting discussion is currently on on JBoss forum regarding JavaEE 6 Web Profile vs Full Profile... while it's important for users/customer to provide feedback, please note that in terms of web services features, JBossWS-CXF 3.4.1.GA included in JBoss AS 6 Final is already passing the relevant tck modules of the full profile certification.
Moreover, you most probably already know that Apache CXF 2.3.1, which is consumed by JBossWS-CXF 3.4.1, is JAX-WS 2.2 compliant.
So, despite having the EE6 Web Profile stamp only on it, JBoss AS 6 really has all you need for safely leveraging the latest revisions of webservices technologies (JSR-224, JSR-109, etc.).
Moreover, in addition to the standard compliance above, the switch from the Native stack to the Apache CXF based one brings improved WS-* support (try out the WS-Policy support with security, addressing, reliable messaging, etc.) and better performances.
... just the WS contribution to JBoss AS 6 Final actually being more than a certified Java EE6 Web Profile implementation ...
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